Thesis Guide

Congratulation! You are reading this page because the fact that you are close to complete your undergraduate degree. A senior thesis is a chance for you to investigate an idea, issue, or policy that is related to your area of study. 

However, before you begin writing your senior thesis, there are a few requirements that you must complete: 

  • You have earned at least 100 credits
  • Your average GPA is above 3.0
  • You have registered for your senior thesis course (6 credits)
  • You have identified your thesis advisor
  • You have discussed the topic that you want to work on that is related to your area of study with you advisor
  • You have complete the thesis registration form and submit it to the dean of your faculty (which could found in the next page)

If you have completed all of these requirements, you are ready to write your thesis/ term paper. 

Please download this file (Senior Thesis or Term Paper) for the thesis guideline.